smoke vapor shop

Finalswipe POS System for Vapor and Smoke Shop

Take advantage of the perfect POS system for your Smoke and Vapor business like never before.

Created keeping in mind unique requirements of smoke shops, the POS system from Finalswipe can be used as a cash registry, inventory tracker, employee management system and much more.


With the help of the POS system, you will never miss a payment, ever. It is integrated with a range of payment options, making it convenient for your customers to pay for the services they availed. With a safe and secured payment system in place, the safety of the payments is never compromised.


The majority of the investment of any business is tied up with the inventory they have. As such, managing the inventory in the best possible way is crucial to making the business thrive every time. With exceptional options to understand all the details about the inventory, its status and reorder requirements, the POS from Finalswipe will holistically help you with every item you have in your store.

Measurement units

Since POS system from Finalswipe is intelligent, you can sell any number of items having different measurements in packs, cartons or as singles. This will ensure that the clients will have plenty of options to experience your offerings just as they would like to use it without you needing to sweat on the quantities.

Manage employees

Now, managing your employees, their working hours, schedules and payrolls are easier than ever.

Manage your customers

You can store all the pertinent details of your customers from their name, contact details, purchase history and preferences right into the store. This can be used to create an individual experience for the customers every time they walk into the business.

Report generation

Business is also about acting upon intelligent reports that you can generate from the transactions that happen in your business. These reports can further be utilized to drive intelligent business insights that can help the business make effective decisions in the future for the betterment of the business and its patrons.

More than just a POS, with us, you will get a smart business management tool at affordable rate!
Contact us.


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